Movel: relieve your mind on your journey to work.
Final Design Studio - Politecnico di Milano, 2021
Ajovalasit Marco,
Ciancia Mariana,
Salice Fabio
Interaction design, User Experience
Beatrice Barlassina, Chiara Cerretti, Pietro Forino, Luigi Di Gennaro, Jan Sana, Lorenzo Zanchetta
Design brief
Designing User Experience for Autonomous Vehicles. Design an intervention (an interaction or a product + an interaction) that could help people build rich, meaningful relationships with autonomous vehicles.
Research phase
We started our project with a desk research. We after moved forward, doing a physical brainwriting, to generate plenty of ideas. We transposed our work online, improving its visualization, integrating external references and useful links.
Working on the Miro platform has enabled us to select the most interesting ideas before moving into the clustering phase. Moving forward, we reorganized the post-it with ideas and insights, to enter the brainstorming phase with precise themes in mind.

How might we
From here, thanks to the HMWs, we were able to generate four different scenarios on the brief of autonomous driving vehicles with different aims and objectives. From those, we selected our first HMW, from where to start our project.
Ideation phase
After defining our HMW, we started to deep into the scenario selected, the shared car. To articulate this scenario, we asked ourselves the basic reasons why the car is usually used, keeping attention on the sharing scenario.
We made a benchmark, on real and concept-sharing cars, to extrapolate some key points and give us some inspiration.

We want to work on the concept of commuting and time management. We have decided to propose a self-driving car that through a better experience based on the needs of the user can help improve his psychological state.
We decided to work in a scenario from now to 15 years, imagining a world more and more connected and dynamic. According to research, the car of the future is a car in which the passenger is dedicated to other activities that can be: work, free time, relaxation, or personal growth. We updated our HMW: "How might we exploit the journey to work to improve the mental condition of employees?"

Envisioning phase and target
Based on our research and intuition we envisioned that workers of the future will increasingly have mental rather than technical tasks. This will be our target.
In this project we decide to take care of these mental activities, creating an opportunity to increase the psychological state and so, the productivity of the worker.
[Video showed after the MVP experience]
Our envisioned new service is called Movel, a B2B autonomous car service that improves onboard mental condition to influence worker productivity. An adaptive system sets an emotionally appropriate environment inside the car while traveling to/from the office.
The experience starts when you get in the car, inside there are four modules representing four available spaces, each of which is divided by panels that can be repositioned if necessary to facilitate dialogue between colleagues.

The responsive environment inside the vehicle through cameras and other indicators can read the emotions felt by the user by varying the lighting and emitting sounds, improving the mental condition of the passenger.
As a matter of fact, studies demonstrate that is possible to stimulate the production of hormones (e.g. serotonin, the hormones of happiness) by playing with lights (frequency and intensity) and sounds.
Thanks to MorphCast SDK (by Cynny S.p.A.), we had the opportunity to read the emotions of our users easily and quickly. Being quite easy to use, we decided to bring the experience to a higher lever, by exploiting the service in an even more powerful way, by connecting it to Arduino.
As far as we - and Cinny - know, we have been the firsts to create this connections. Results have been incredibly interesting, so much that they aroused the interest of MorphCast itself to the point of including us among their case studies to the point of including us among their case studies (alongside brands such as Dyson, Lexus, Verizon).

Service design
Although we thought of the service as B2B, we still developed an application that can be used for communication between the final consumer of the service, the workers, and Movel.
With this application, by inserting your own affiliated company, you will be able to book rides quickly and easily and receive updates on the status of your vehicle.

MVP and full-day testing session with users
We designed and tested our MVP to validate the concept and the whole experience. We designed the entire session experience to reach our testing goals.
We used the Narrative Arc principles to create the user experience. Starting the experience with an introductive video to keep the attention of the audience in our project.
Test and feedbacks
We recreated an immersive experience. In our MVP was shown a 30s video to users to trigger a specific emotion, which was essential to start tracking his initial state. We mapped the users' condition with our AI software, giving them output in sound and light, to change their emotional state.
We showed a final video to explain the experience to the user. At the end we printed a card to the user, summarising the user's emotions perceived during the experience.
After feedback, we improved the experience by adding a voice assistant, which supports the understanding of changes in the environment.

Visit the website for the full case study.